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Simon Horton

Negotiation Skills Trainer

Every day, at home and at work, we have to influence and persuade people. But it's not always easy. Simon Horton is a world-leading expert in the field of negotiation and influence. He has been teaching negotiation and persuasion skills for 15 years, working with many top banks, law firms, organizations and even hostage negotiators. Clients include: Goldman Sachs, the British Army & Nike. He is a visiting lecturer at Imperial College London & a mentor on an Oxford University Business School Program. He wrote the book, "Change Their Mind, 6 Steps to Persuade Anyone Anytime" (2022) and "The Leader's Guide to Negotiation" (2016). He also performed as a stand-up comedian and as a trapeze artist.

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Simon Horton
West Sussex, UK

Video Sample

This expert has been featured on:

The Guardian | Politico | The Business & Financial Times

Suggested Interview Topics:

How to Ask Your Boss for a Raise | How to Change Someone's Mind | 4 Ways to Get Something You Ask For | How Persuasion & Negotiation May Help You Navigate Today's Divisive Political Climate

Suggested Interview Questions:

- What is the best way to ask your boss for a raise?
- How can someone change someone else's mind?
- How should we approach different personality types?
- Why is listening so important when it comes to negotation?
- Your techniques may help people dealing with divisiveness in our political climate. How so?
- You say a 'Cheeky Ask' is a good way to obtain things we want in life. Please explain that.
- How does looking for subtle clues help people when it comes to negotating?
- We may be able to achieve more of our personal/professional goals by asking the question, "Why?" Please explain that.
- What are some ways we can all improve our social skills?
- How can body language affect negotations?

Stories & Media Hits

Here are stories & interviews that The Story Pros helped coordinate with this expert:

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