Sasha Graham
Metaphysical Author
Is it your News Anchor's, Radio Host's, Reporter's or Podcast Host's birthday? You can reach out to Sasha for a horoscope reading! What a fun & interesting way to celebrate! Sasha Graham is a world-renowned tarot expert, bestselling author, award winning tarot deck creator, actor and educator who teaches and lectures around the globe. Her work has been translated into more than 10 languages and she is the author of 12 books.
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Video Sample
This expert has been featured on:
Buzzfeed | New York Post | Inside Edition | Marie Claire | The New York Times
Suggested Interview Topics:
Tarot | Witchcraft | Supernatural/Mystical/Magical Beliefs & Practices
Suggested Interview Questions:
- How do Tarot cards help predict/affect events?
- What are tarot cards and how do they work?
- How can reading tarot cards benefit the average person?
- How does our Zodiac sign align with our individual personality traits, behaviors & life events?
- Which movies/TV shows appeal the most to people of certain zodiac signs?
- What is 'Shadow Work' and how can that help people? (Shadow Work can be conducted through journaling, meditation, dream analysis or working with a therapist or counselor)
Stories & Media Hits
Here are stories & interviews that The Story Pros helped coordinate with this expert: