Jennifer House
Pediatric Dietitian
Jennifer House is a Registered Dietitian, mother of 3, author of 'The Parents’ Guide to Baby-led Weaning,' and founder of First Step Nutrition in Calgary, Alberta. Jen believes raising happy, well-nourished eaters who have a healthy relationship with food doesn't have to be a battle! She specializes in starting solids & picky eating, helping parents teach their kids to try new foods without yelling, tricking, or bribing. Jen has extensive media experience and has completed media training.
Jennifer has a BSc degree (Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Alberta) & Msc degree (Human Nutrition, University of British Columbia), Member of the Alberta College of Dietitians and Dietitians of Canada (& leader of the Consulting Dietitians network) and a Board members of the Calgary Breastfeeding Matters Group. She also speaks and trains health professionals in the Picky Eating Network for Healthcare Professionals.
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Video Sample
This expert has been featured on:
Global News | Healthline | Today's Parent | Scary Mommy | Huffpost
Suggested Interview Topics:
Feeding Picky Eaters | Food Allergies | Starting Baby On Solids
Suggested Interview Questions:
- What are your suggestions on how parents can deal with picky eaters?
- Which foods do you recommend if we're concerned our kids aren't getting enough protein?
- What are 9 tips to get kids to eat their veggies?
- What if parents are concerned that their kids are eating too much?
- What is 'Food Chaining' and how does it help with picky eaters?
- What is 'Food Pocketing' and should parents be concerned about it?
- What if our kids aren't eating their lunch at school? Do you have any advice?
- When should babies start eating solids?
Stories & Media Hits
Here are stories & interviews that The Story Pros helped coordinate with this expert: