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Hillary Seiler

NFL Money Coach

Hillary ('Coach Hill') is a financial coach and speaker to 10+ NFL teams. She is also a financial educator and a Name/Image/Likeness (NIL) program developer for universities including Louisiana State University and Ohio State University. Coach Hill also creates finance programs to help her tens of thousands of followers whip their finances into shape.

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Hillary Seiler
Boise, ID

Video Sample

This expert has been featured on:

Forbes | Sports Illustrated | Medium |

Suggested Interview Topics:

Personal Finance & Investing | Boosting Your Credit Score | Comparing Insurance Plans | Managing Debt | Buying a New Car | Student Loans

Suggested Interview Questions:

- What is the #1 money question professional athletes have?
- Why is it important to have a good credit score?
- What are some ways someone can boost their credit score?
- You say we should shop for insurance every year. Why & what should we look for?
- You say we can earn money while we sleep? How is this possible?
- Why do we need an 'Emergency Fund' and how do we fund it?
- What are 5 tips for buying our next car?
- What is the difference between different types of auto insurance and which should we get?
- What is the debt snowball method?
- What is the best way to handle student loans?
- How can we shake stress and worry when it comes to giving gifts?

Stories & Media Hits

Here are stories & interviews that The Story Pros helped coordinate with this expert:


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