Henry Liu
University of Michigan Mechanical Engineering Professor
Henry Liu is director of Mcity, the University of Michigan's research hub devoted to research on transportation. He is also a professor in the Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering. Liu conducts research on transportation engineering, automotive engineering & artificial intelligence. Liu and his research team created the world's first connected vehicle-based traffic signal optimization system. They also developed a patent-pending augmented reality system for testing autonomous vehicles.
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Video Sample
This expert has been featured on:
Wall Street Journal | Forbes | WDIV-TV 'Click On Detroit' | The Michigan Daily | WKBW
Suggested Interview Topics:
Autonomous Vehicles | Traffic Signal Timing
Suggested Interview Questions:
- You and your team have developed a way to time traffic lights better. Tell us about that.
- How could this system potentially save cities money?
- Do you have any idea when this system might expand to other U.S. cities?
- You're also conducting research on autonomous vehicles. Please tell us about that.
- How often are autonomous vehicles involved in crashes currently?
- What needs to be done to make these cars safer?