Dr. Judy Ho
Licensed Clinical & Forensic Neuropsychologist
Dr. Judy Ho is a triple board certified and licensed clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, a tenured associate professor at Pepperdine University, television and podcast host, and published author.
Dr. Judy conducts neuropsychological and psychodiagnostic evaluations, serves as an expert witness in legal cases, conducts clinical research, provides expert commentary to media, and is a sought-after public speaker.
She wrote the book, 'The New Rules of Attachment,' A revolutionary approach to attachment theory that teaches readers how to heal their inner child to change their anxious, avoidant, or disorganized attachment style in relationships, friendships, at work, and home.
Did you know that attachment style impacts more than romantic relationships? As it turns out, most of us are thinking about Attachment Theory all wrong, and triple board-certified clinical and forensic neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho is here to set the record straight.
Dr. Judy Ho also penned 'Stop Self-Sabotage,' which has been translated into eight languages. Combining therapeutically proven strategies with practical tools and self-assessments, Dr. Judy teaches you how to identify your triggers, modify your thoughts and behaviors, find your true motivation, and unlock your willpower to stop this vicious cycle in its tracks. Practical and transformative, Stop Self-Sabotage is your ultimate guide to jumpstart lasting, positive change and start living the life you want.
Web Site:
Video Sample
This expert has been featured on:
TedX | Dr. Phil | The Doctors | CBS's 'Face the Truth' | Host of SuperCharged Life Podcast
Suggested Interview Topics:
Healing Your Inner-Child | Attachment Theory | Relationships | Parenting
Suggested Interview Questions:
- What are the different attachment styles and how do we figure out which one fits us?
- Why is it important to figure out which attachment style is yours?
- What is 'reparenting'?
- Is it important to set boundaries? And if so, what is the best way to do this?
- If people are feeling a bit lost right now, how can they find purpose in life?
- How can we avoid conflict when talking about politics with friends?
- What are the best ways to handle holiday stress?
- How can we stop negative thinking?
- Why is having a morning routine so important & how do we create one?
Stories & Media Hits
Here are stories & interviews that The Story Pros helped coordinate with this expert: